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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Where did November go?

I asked myself that yesterday morning, and still don't have an answer. 

November was a blah month, as I said it would be for me...  I feel like I was really busy the whole month, but didn't really accomplish anything, which I hate.  I failed on most of my goals, but I guess it was a valiant start... 

  1. Cook more, eat take-out less (and start using vegetables as a main course instead of as a side dish).
  2. Keep the apartment cleaner by doing chores every day instead of letting them pile up. 
  3. Make my holiday cards so that I can give them to people other than family members (last year I was way late in finishing them and never sent them to anyone.)
  4. Make at least one new item to add to my Etsy shop.
  5. Exercise 30 minutes a day, three days a week.
  6. Start getting ideas for Christmas gifts and start shopping before the rush hits.
  7. Spend less money on things I don't need and save money for things we do need (like a house); start outlining a budget. 
I did accomplish two things that were extremely difficult for me to do: Cook more, spend less money.  I am proud that I accomplished those things, so I guess it wasn't a total wash of a month.  I'm going to push most of the goals I didn't accomplish into December and see what happens...

December Goals:

  1. Keep the apartment cleaner by doing small chores every day
  2. Make holiday cards and send them out
  3. Add at least one new item to my Etsy shop
  4. Exercise more than I currently do (which is none)
  5. Enjoy the month of December to its fullest by spending it with family and friends
  6. Keep up with old traditions and make some new ones
  7. Reconnect.  I know I've been absent lately, but I just haven't had too much to say.  I'm hoping that the onslaught of December activities will spark my will to write again...
December is always a hectic, but happy month for me.  My family has a lot of really great traditions that I love to keep up.  I guess you could say that this is my manic month.  I turn on Christmas music as soon as possible (this year it was even before Thanksgiving), I decorate, I drink hot chocolate, I watch all kinds of Christmas movies (especially the ones from when I was a kid).  I become completely exhilarated with everything around me, and while it's not always as perfect and as idyllic as I'd like it to be, it comes pretty close.  I know that a lot of people have mixed feelings about this month, and to be honest, I've had mixed experiences with it too.  I used to get completely overwhelmed with the commercialization of the holidays, the expectations, and especially the crowds.  I found it depressing how greedy people would get.  A couple of years ago, I decided that I wasn't going to let that stuff bother me and that I would ignore everything that made me apprehensive in the slightest.  Getting the perfect gifts for people is still a stressor for me, but I've been making an effort to let go of those pressures and just do my best.  (Oh, and I don't think I've mentioned this before, but I'm a perfectionist, so admitting that is a big deal.) 

The thing that I appreciate most about this time of year, is that it's more about family than anything, and it's a time of year when past difficulties are pushed aside to make room for the joy and love that we so often take for granted.  Anyway, it's what I'm looking forward to...
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