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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Etsy Finds: Wayside Violet

I saw an item by Wayside Violet on the Etsy Front Page one day, and instantly fell in love.  Jessica, the shop owner and coffee enthusiast, knits all sorts of wonderful things, but the item I fell in love with and hadtohavethatinstant was this:

For someone who frequents Starbucks at least once a day (and you don't want to interact with me when I haven't had my coffee, trust), this was a must.  I absolutely love it!  It's eco-friendly, cozy, and CUTE!  I receive a lot of compliments on it too.

I'm currently in love with this gray one, and the pumpkin spice cozy for mugs is cute too!  

So, if you are a frequent flyer at any coffee shop, I highly recommend one.  You're doing the environment a favor (even if you're still using a paper cup & not a reusable travel mug, but I always forget mine), and looking super cute in the process!

p.s.  with sticking to my November goals, i will be resisting the gray cozy, since my green one is holding up just fine.  see?  i'm getting good at this goals thing... haha. 
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