While perusing Design*Sponge this morning, I came across Grace's announcement that her home has been featured in the first issue of Lonny Magazine. Her home has so many fabulous little details (flip to p. 124 for her article). I especially love her orange peg board on which she displays her pots and pans, Julia Style. James has a beautiful set of copper pots that we have no room for in our teensy, out-dated kitchen. Someday, I hope to utilize this peg board idea, except I would paint it cobalt blue or sage green to go with the copper.
While flipping through the article, I stopped on p.132 and had to catch my breath a little, because I found something that sums up one of my many definitions of perfection:
I don't know why, but I'm absolutely smitten with this photograph. The hook is from Anthropologie, which I found out through the awesome links feature in the online edition of the magazine (if you mouse over some of the objects, it gives you the link to the item's place of purchase -- so convenient!). I think that I'm going to be purchasing a few in the near future, along with this (for James, of course):

And, just because I feel the need to reinforce my love for the B&W Wall Hook, here it is again:
I have a lot of different definitions of "perfection," like a hot Chai latte on a brisk, fall morning, or a perfectly picked bouquet of fresh peonies... I guess that "perfection" is a rather large statement for things that are so little. Or maybe I shouldn't call them "definitions," because they're more like examples. The only defining characteristics in my examples, are that they have to make me feel happy, and give me a total sense of calm. I've been searching for that feeling a lot lately, so hopefully I'll have more to report on that front soonish.
Until then, what are some things that give you that feeling of, "perfection?"